How to increment dates in sparql?

by jasen_gottlieb , in category: Third Party Scripts , a day ago

How to increment dates in sparql?

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1 answer

by arnoldo.moen , 35 minutes ago


In SPARQL, you can increment or manipulate dates using built-in date functions. One common way to increment dates is by using the xsd:dateTime datatype and the xsd:dayTimeDuration datatype.

Here is an example query that increments a date by one day:

SELECT ?date (xsd:date(?date + "P1D"^^xsd:dayTimeDuration) AS ?incremented_date)
  BIND ("2022-01-01T00:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime AS ?date)

In this query, the date "2022-01-01T00:00:00" is incremented by one day using the xsd:dayTimeDuration datatype with the value "P1D" representing one day. The result will be the original date and the incremented date.

You can also use other date functions such as year(), month(), day() to manipulate dates in SPARQL. Just make sure to use the appropriate date function and datatype for your specific use case.