How to get username from database in laravel?

by elisha_langworth , in category: PHP Frameworks , 8 months ago

How to get username from database in laravel?

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1 answer

by raven_corwin , 8 months ago


To get a username from the database in Laravel, you can use the following steps:

  1. Create a model for the user table (if you don't already have one) by running the following command in the terminal:
php artisan make:model User

  1. In your controller or wherever you need to retrieve the username, you can use the following code:
use AppModelsUser;

public function getUsername($userId) {
    $user = User::find($userId);
    $username = $user->name; // Assuming 'name' is the column in the user table that stores the username
    return $username;

  1. Make sure to replace User, userId, and name with your actual model, column name, and variable names respectively.
  2. You can then call this function in your routes, controllers, or wherever you need to retrieve the username from the database.

This is a basic example of how to retrieve a username from the database in Laravel. You can customize the query to suit your specific requirements or use Laravel's query builder for more complex queries.