How to get the contents of the file in laravel?


by dedrick , in category: PHP General , 9 months ago

How to get the contents of the file in laravel?

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1 answer

by dalton_moen , 9 months ago


To get the contents of a file in Laravel, you can use the file helper function or the Storage facade.

Option 1: Using the file helper function:

  1. Import the file helper function at the top of your file: use IlluminateSupportFacadesFile;.
  2. Use the get() method of the File facade to retrieve the file's contents. For example, to get the contents of a file named example.txt located in the storage/app/public directory, you can use the following code:
$fileContents = File::get(storage_path('app/public/example.txt'));

  1. The get() method will return the contents of the file as a string. You can then manipulate or process the contents as needed.

Option 2: Using the Storage facade:

  1. Import the Storage facade at the top of your file: use IlluminateSupportFacadesStorage;.
  2. Use the get() method of the Storage facade to retrieve the file's contents. For example, to get the contents of a file named example.txt located in the storage/app/public directory, you can use the following code:
$fileContents = Storage::get('public/example.txt');

  1. The get() method will return the contents of the file as a string. You can then manipulate or process the contents as needed.

Note: The second option requires you to have properly configured your Laravel application's filesystems settings to use a disk (e.g., "local" or "public") that corresponds to the desired file location.