How to get sourcemaps to work in webpack?


by denis , in category: Javascript , a year ago

How to get sourcemaps to work in webpack?

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1 answer


by jerad , 10 months ago


To get sourcemaps to work in webpack, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Update your webpack configuration settings to enable sourcemaps. You can do this by setting the devtool option to the appropriate value in your webpack config file. For example, you can use "source-map" for full source maps or "cheap-module-source-map" for faster builds with minimal maps.
  2. Make sure your development server is configured to serve the sourcemaps alongside your bundled code. You can do this by setting the devServer option include "inline-source-map" in your webpack config file.
  3. Ensure that your source files are included in the webpack bundling process. Make sure to specify the correct entry point for your application and include all relevant source files in your webpack configuration.
  4. Check that your source files are properly mapped in your browser's developer tools. You should see the original source code when inspecting elements or debugging in your browser.

By following these steps, you should be able to get sourcemaps to work in webpack and effectively debug your code during development.