How to fix git warning: lf will be replaced by crlf?


by adan , in category: Third Party Scripts , 6 months ago

How to fix git warning: lf will be replaced by crlf?

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1 answer


by rollin , 6 months ago


One way to fix the git warning "lf will be replaced by crlf" is to update the core.autocrlf setting in your git configuration.

You can do this by running the following command in your terminal:

git config --global core.autocrlf input

This setting will ensure that Git does not automatically replace LF (linefeed) endings with CRLF (carriage return linefeed) endings in your files.

You can also manually configure line endings for specific files or repositories by creating a .gitattributes file in the root of your repository with the following content:

* -text
*.txt text

This will treat all files as binary except for .txt files, which will be treated as text and have their line endings automatically normalized.

After making these changes, make sure to commit and push your changes to git to apply the new configurations.