How to filter duplicate data in laravel?

by haylee.mertz , in category: PHP Frameworks , 7 months ago

How to filter duplicate data in laravel?

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1 answer

by filiberto , 3 months ago


There are multiple ways to filter duplicate data in Laravel:

  1. Using Eloquent query: You can use the distinct() method provided by Laravel's Eloquent query builder to filter out duplicate data. For example:
$uniqueData = YourModel::select('column')->distinct()->get();

  1. Using collection methods: If you have already fetched the data using Eloquent and want to filter out duplicates, you can use Laravel's collection methods like unique() or uniqueStrict(). For example:
$collection = collect($yourData);
$uniqueCollection = $collection->unique('column');

  1. Using SQL query: You can also directly write a SQL query to filter out duplicate data. For example:
$uniqueData = DB::select('SELECT DISTINCT column FROM your_table');

Choose the method that best suits your scenario and implement the filtering of duplicate data in your Laravel application.