How to fetch multiple images into blade in laravel?

by jasen_gottlieb , in category: PHP Frameworks , 7 months ago

How to fetch multiple images into blade in laravel?

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1 answer


by dedrick , 4 months ago


To fetch multiple images into a blade file in Laravel, you can use the asset() function along with a loop to display each image. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to achieve this:

  1. First, make sure you have the images saved in a directory inside your Laravel project (e.g. public/images).
  2. In your controller, retrieve the list of image file names from the directory using the File facade. For example:
use IlluminateSupportFacadesFile;

$images = File::files(public_path('images'));

  1. Pass the $images variable to the view using the compact() method or by using the with() method.
return view('your-blade-file', compact('images'));

  1. In your blade file, use a foreach loop to iterate through the $images array and display each image. You can use the asset() function to generate the URL for each image file. For example:
@foreach ($images as $image)
    <img src="{{ asset('images/' . $image->getFilename()) }}" alt="image">

  1. Make sure the images are displayed correctly by accessing the view in your browser.

By following these steps, you can fetch multiple images into a blade file in Laravel and display them using the asset() function.