How to exploit xss vulnerability through an iframe?

by elise_daugherty , in category: Javascript , 18 hours ago

How to exploit xss vulnerability through an iframe?

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1 answer


by addison , 2 hours ago


To exploit an XSS vulnerability through an iframe, you can do the following steps:

  1. Find a website that is vulnerable to XSS.
  2. Create an iframe element in the HTML code of the vulnerable page.
  3. Set the source attribute of the iframe to a URL that contains a script that performs the XSS attack.
  4. Load the vulnerable page in a web browser.
  5. The script in the iframe will be executed in the context of the vulnerable page, allowing you to steal sensitive information or perform other malicious actions.

It is important to note that exploiting XSS vulnerabilities is illegal and unethical. It is always best to report vulnerabilities to website owners or responsible parties so they can fix them and protect their users.