To encrypt and decrypt messages in Laravel, you can use Laravel's built-in encryption and decryption features. Here's how you can encrypt and decrypt a message in Laravel:
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$message = 'Hello, this is a secret message'; $encryptedMessage = encrypt($message); echo $encryptedMessage; |
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$encryptedMessage = 'eyJpdiI6IlJjN3VkYkloU3dGaHJDSjBuVHc5bUE9PSIsInZhbHVlIjoiVDlqa1V6bEdaZHdIRzhLQVZhdXB3Zz09IiwibWFjIjoiODA4MGIyYjQ0ZTc4ZTRjMjUzZmY1MDRhOGI3MWE4MWFmZmUwMmU4N2I4MTVhMjM0NjE3ZjRmNmNhNTkwODhiYiJ9'; $decryptedMessage = decrypt($encryptedMessage); echo $decryptedMessage; |
Make sure to keep your encryption key secure and confidential, as it is used to encrypt and decrypt messages. You can set your encryption key in the .env file:
ENCRYPTION_KEY=your-secret-key-here |
By following these steps, you can easily encrypt and decrypt messages in Laravel.