How to do a count and select variables in sparql?


by rollin , in category: Third Party Scripts , 4 months ago

How to do a count and select variables in sparql?

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1 answer


by dedrick , 4 months ago


To count and select variables in SPARQL, you can use the SELECT statement along with the COUNT function. Here is an example of how to do this:

SELECT (COUNT(?variable) AS ?count)
  ?subject rdf:type ex:Class .
  ?subject ex:property ?variable .

In this query:

  • SELECT (COUNT(?variable) AS ?count) - This part of the query selects the variable ?variable and counts the number of occurrences of this variable. The result is assigned to a new variable ?count.
  • WHERE { ... } - This is the WHERE clause where you define your SPARQL pattern. In this example, we are looking for instances of a specific class ex:Class and extracting the property values for each instance.

You can adjust this query to fit your specific use case by modifying the classes, properties, and variables you are interested in counting and selecting in your SPARQL query.

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