How to display the number of 'missing' hours in oracle?


by shyann , in category: MySQL , 3 months ago

How to display the number of 'missing' hours in oracle?

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1 answer

by ryan.murray , 3 months ago


To display the number of 'missing' hours in Oracle, you can use a combination of SQL functions to calculate the difference between the total number of hours and the actual hours logged. Here is an example query to achieve this:

SELECT (24 - NVL(SUM(hours_logged), 0)) AS missing_hours
FROM your_table_name;

In this query:

  1. Replace your_table_name with the actual name of your table that contains the hours logged data.
  2. SUM(hours_logged) calculates the total number of hours logged in the table.
  3. NVL(SUM(hours_logged), 0) is used to handle cases where there are no hours logged (returns 0 instead of NULL).
  4. 24 - NVL(SUM(hours_logged), 0) calculates the missing hours by subtracting the total hours logged from 24 (total hours in a day).

This query will display the number of 'missing' hours in your Oracle database.