How to display part of a webpage using iframe?

by dalton_moen , in category: Javascript , 10 months ago

How to display part of a webpage using iframe?

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1 answer


by jerad , 10 months ago


To display a specific part of a webpage using an iframe, you can use the "src" attribute of the iframe along with the fragment identifier of the specific section you want to display. Here's how you can do it:

  1. Identify the ID or class of the element you want to display. This can be a specific section, a div, or any other HTML element with an ID or class attribute.
  2. Construct the URL of the webpage along with the fragment identifier. The fragment identifier starts with a hash (#) followed by the ID or class of the element you want to display. For example, if the ID of the element is "section-1", the URL should look like this: "".
  3. Create an iframe element in your HTML page. Example: .

Replace "" with the URL of the actual webpage you want to display and the specific fragment identifier you obtained in step 1.

  1. Adjust the width and height attributes of the iframe according to your requirements.

By doing this, the iframe will load the webpage and scroll to the specified element, displaying only the specific part you want.