How to display or fetch product form data in woocommerce rest api?


by dana , in category: PHP CMS , 8 months ago

How to display or fetch product form data in woocommerce rest api?

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1 answer


by jasen , 8 months ago


To display or fetch product form data in WooCommerce REST API, you can use the following steps:

  1. First, make sure you have access to the WooCommerce REST API by obtaining the necessary credentials (consumer key and consumer secret).
  2. Use a REST API client such as Postman or cURL to make a request to the WooCommerce API endpoint for products. The endpoint for fetching products is typically: GET /wp-json/wc/v3/products.
  3. Make sure to include the necessary parameters in your request to filter the products you want to retrieve. For example, you can use parameters such as category, tag, per_page, orderby, etc.
  4. Once you make the request, you will receive a JSON response containing the product data. You can then parse and display this data in your application as needed.

Here is an example cURL request to fetch all products from the WooCommerce API:

curl -X GET   ''

Remember to replace, your_consumer_key, and your_consumer_secret with your actual values.

By following these steps, you can easily display or fetch product form data in WooCommerce REST API.