How to disable/prevent redirects in an iframe?

by wilmer.lemke , in category: HTML & CSS , 4 months ago

How to disable/prevent redirects in an iframe?

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1 answer

by raphael_tillman , 4 months ago


To disable or prevent redirects in an iframe, you can use the sandbox attribute on the iframe element. The sandbox attribute allows you to restrict the actions that can be performed within the iframe, including preventing redirects.

Here is an example of how to use the sandbox attribute to prevent redirects in an iframe:

<iframe src="" sandbox="allow-same-origin allow-scripts"></iframe>

In this example, the sandbox attribute is set to "allow-same-origin allow-scripts", which allows the iframe to load content from the same origin as the parent page and allows scripts to be executed within the iframe. The sandbox attribute prevents the iframe from being able to navigate or redirect the parent page.

You can customize the sandbox attribute to further restrict the actions allowed within the iframe, depending on your specific requirements. You can refer to the MDN Web Docs for more information on the sandbox attribute and its possible values: