How to define dynamic values as constant in laravel?

by lindsey.homenick , in category: PHP Frameworks , 3 months ago

How to define dynamic values as constant in laravel?

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1 answer


by adan , 3 months ago


In Laravel, you can define dynamic values as constants by using the config file. This allows you to define and access these values throughout your application.

Here's how you can define dynamic values as constants in Laravel:

  1. Create a new file in the config directory of your Laravel project, for example constants.php.
  2. In the constants.php file, define a key-value array of constant values. For example:
return [
    'app_name' => 'My Laravel App',
    'default_role' => 'user',

  1. Access these constant values in your application by using the config() helper function. For example, to access the app_name constant, you can use:
$configValue = config('constants.app_name');

  1. You can also define environment-specific constant values by creating separate configuration files for different environments (e.g. constants.local.php for local development and constants.production.php for production). You can then load these configuration files based on the current environment in your config/app.php file like this:
'constants' => require base_path('config/constants.' . env('APP_ENV', 'production') . '.php'),

By following these steps, you can define dynamic values as constants in Laravel and access them throughout your application.