To create a thumbnail in Laravel, you can use the intervention image library which provides an easy way to manipulate images in PHP. Follow these steps to create a thumbnail in Laravel using the intervention image library:
- Install the intervention image library by running the following composer command:
composer require intervention/image
- After installing the library, you need to add the service provider in your Laravel config file. Open config/app.php and add the following line in the providers array:
- Also, add the facade to the alias array in the same config file:
'Image' => InterventionImageFacadesImage::class
- Next, you can create a controller method to handle the image manipulation. Here's an example controller method that creates a thumbnail:
use InterventionImageFacadesImage;
public function createThumbnail($imagePath, $thumbnailPath) {
$image = Image::make($imagePath);
$image->resize(100, 100);
- Call the createThumbnail method passing the original image path and the path where you want to save the thumbnail:
$originalImagePath = public_path('images/original.jpg');
$thumbnailPath = public_path('images/thumbnail.jpg');
$this->createThumbnail($originalImagePath, $thumbnailPath);
- Make sure you have the necessary write permissions to save the thumbnail image to the specified path.
By following these steps, you should be able to create a thumbnail image in Laravel using the intervention image library.