To create a module inside a module in CodeIgniter, you can follow the steps below:
- First, create the parent module folder in the "application/modules" directory. For example, you can create a folder named "ParentModule".
- Inside the parent module folder, create a sub-module folder. For example, create a folder named "SubModule".
- Create a controller file inside the sub-module folder. For example, create a controller file named "SubModule.php" and define a controller class inside it.
- Create a model file inside the sub-module folder if needed.
- Define routes for the sub-module in the parent module's routes file. You can specify the route for the sub-module by adding a route in the routes.php file located in the parent module folder. For example:
$route['parentmodule/submodule'] = 'submodule';
- Access the sub-module by navigating to the URL: http://yourdomain.com/parentmodule/submodule.
By following these steps, you can create a module inside a module in CodeIgniter. Make sure to configure the module routing properly to access the sub-module's controllers and views.