To create a custom service provider in Phalcon, follow these steps:
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use PhalconDiServiceProviderInterface; use PhalconDiInterface; class CustomServiceProvider implements ServiceProviderInterface { protected $dependency; public function __construct($dependency) { $this->dependency = $dependency; } public function register(DiInterface $di) { $di->set('customService', function () { return new CustomService($this->dependency); // $dependency is injected into the constructor of CustomService }); } } class CustomService { protected $dependency; public function __construct($dependency) { $this->dependency = $dependency; } public function doSomething() { // Implement your service logic here } } $di->register(new CustomServiceProvider($dependency)); |
In the example above, we created a custom service provider class named “CustomServiceProvider” that takes a dependency in its constructor. Then, we defined a new service named “customService” that returns a new instance of a “CustomService” class, which also takes the same dependency in its constructor. Finally, we registered the custom service provider class with the DI container using the “register” method.