How to correctly use vuex store?

by filiberto , in category: Javascript , 10 months ago

How to correctly use vuex store?

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1 answer

by wilmer.lemke , 10 months ago


To correctly use Vuex store, follow these steps:

  1. Install Vuex in your project by running npm install vuex or yarn add vuex in your terminal.
  2. Create a new Vuex store by creating a store directory in your project and adding a new JavaScript file, typically named index.js.
  3. In the index.js file, import Vue and Vuex, create a new Vuex store instance, and export it as a module.
  4. Define the state, mutations, actions, and getters for your store. The state is the data that you want to store, mutations are synchronous functions that modify the state, actions are asynchronous functions that can commit mutations, and getters are functions that return computed properties based on the state.
  5. In your main app component, import the Vuex store and inject it into the Vue instance using the store option.
  6. Use the store in your components by importing mapState, mapMutations, mapActions, and mapGetters helpers from Vuex and accessing the state, mutations, actions, and getters as needed.
  7. To update the state, commit a mutation by calling this.$store.commit('mutationName', payload) from a component method or dispatch an action by calling this.$store.dispatch('actionName', payload).
  8. To access the state or getters in a component, use computed properties with the mapState or mapGetters helper functions.
  9. To handle side effects or asynchronous operations, define actions that commit mutations or dispatch other actions as needed.
  10. Keep your Vuex store organized by separating modules for different parts of the application and using modules to encapsulate related state, mutations, actions, and getters.

By following these steps, you can correctly use Vuex store in your Vue.js application to manage and share the state across different components.