How to connect to oracle11g database?


by adan , in category: MySQL , 6 months ago

How to connect to oracle11g database?

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1 answer


by lew , 6 months ago


To connect to Oracle 11g database, you can use SQLPlus, Oracle SQL Developer, or any other database client tool. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to connect to Oracle 11g database using SQLPlus:

  1. Open a command prompt or terminal window on your computer.
  2. Type the following command to connect to the Oracle 11g database using SQL*Plus:
sqlplus username/password@host:port/service_name

Replace username with your Oracle username, password with your password, host with the hostname or IP address of the Oracle server, port with the port number that Oracle is listening on (usually 1521), and service_name with the service name of the Oracle database you want to connect to.

For example, if your username is "scott", password is "tiger", host is "localhost", port is "1521", and service name is "orcl", the command would be:

sqlplus scott/tiger@localhost:1521/orcl

  1. Press Enter to execute the command. If the credentials are correct, you will be connected to the Oracle 11g database and a SQL*Plus prompt will appear.

You can now start running SQL queries and commands to interact with the Oracle database.