How to configure jenkins with bitbucket?

by edmond_brakus , in category: Third Party Scripts , 4 months ago

How to configure jenkins with bitbucket?

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1 answer

by darrion.kuhn , 4 months ago


To configure Jenkins with Bitbucket, follow these steps:

  1. Install the Bitbucket plugin in Jenkins: Go to the Jenkins dashboard, navigate to "Manage Jenkins" and then "Manage Plugins". Search for the Bitbucket plugin and install it.
  2. Create a SSH key in Jenkins: In Jenkins, go to "Credentials" and click on "System" in the left menu. Click on "Global credentials (unrestricted)" and then "Add credentials". Choose "SSH Username with private key" as the kind, provide a username, and paste the private key that Jenkins will use to authenticate with Bitbucket.
  3. Add the SSH key to the Bitbucket account: Go to your Bitbucket account settings, click on "SSH Keys" and add the public key generated by Jenkins.
  4. Create a Jenkins job for the Bitbucket repository: In Jenkins, create a new job and configure it to use the Bitbucket repository as the source code. Under "Build Triggers", select "Build when a change is pushed to Bitbucket".
  5. Configure the credentials in the Jenkins job: In the Jenkins job configuration, under "Source Code Management", select "Git" and add the Bitbucket repository URL. Choose the SSH key that was created in step 2 for authentication.
  6. Set up the build steps: Configure the build steps for the Jenkins job as needed to build and deploy the project.
  7. Test the configuration: Make a change in the Bitbucket repository and push it to trigger the Jenkins job. Check the Jenkins console output to see if the build is successful.

By following these steps, you can configure Jenkins to work with Bitbucket for automated builds and deployments.