How to change the date using moment.js?


by dedrick , in category: Javascript , a year ago

How to change the date using moment.js?

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1 answer


by domenico , a year ago


To change the date using Moment.js, you can follow these steps:

  1. Install Moment.js: If you are working with Node.js, you can install it using npm: npm install moment If you are working on a web project, you can include Moment.js by adding the script tag:
  2. Import Moment.js into your code: For Node.js, import Moment.js with: const moment = require('moment'); For web projects, no import is required since Moment.js is globally available as a global variable.
  3. Create a Moment object with the desired date: You can create a Moment object using a specific date string or existing date object. For example: const date = moment('2021-05-31', 'YYYY-MM-DD');
  4. Change the date using Moment.js methods: Moment.js provides various methods to manipulate dates. Some common methods are: add(): Add time to the moment object. Example: date.add(7, 'days') subtract(): Subtract time from the moment object. Example: date.subtract(1, 'month') set(): Set a specific part of the date. Example: date.set('year', 2022) startOf(): Set the start of a specific time unit. Example: date.startOf('month') endOf(): Set the end of a specific time unit. Example: date.endOf('year') Change the date according to your requirement. For example: date.add(1, 'week'); date.subtract(1, 'month'); date.set('year', 2022);
  5. Access the modified date: You can access the modified date using the format() method to convert the Moment object to a string format. For example: const modifiedDate = date.format('YYYY-MM-DD'); console.log(modifiedDate);

That's it! You have now successfully changed the date using Moment.js. Remember to adjust the time zone if needed.

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