How to calculate duration in hours in teradata?

by lindsey.homenick , in category: MySQL , 18 days ago

How to calculate duration in hours in teradata?

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1 answer

by elise_daugherty , 17 days ago


To calculate duration in hours in Teradata, you can use the TIMESTAMP data type along with the TIMESTAMPDIFF function. Here is an example query to calculate the duration in hours between two timestamps:

SELECT TIMESTAMPDIFF(HOUR, timestamp1, timestamp2) AS duration_hours
FROM your_table;

In this query, replace timestamp1 and timestamp2 with the names of the columns or values representing the timestamps you want to calculate the duration between. The TIMESTAMPDIFF function calculates the difference between two timestamps in the specified unit (in this case, hours).

You can adjust the unit (HOUR in this case) to calculate the duration in other units such as MINUTE, SECOND, etc., as needed.