How to bundle dynamic file path in webpack?


by addison , in category: Javascript , a year ago

How to bundle dynamic file path in webpack?

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1 answer

by arnoldo.moen , a year ago


To bundle a dynamic file path in Webpack, you can make use of Webpack's dynamic imports.

Here is an example of how you can achieve this:

  1. First, you need to define a dynamic import statement with a placeholder for the file path. For example, let's assume you have a variable called filePath that contains the dynamic file path:
const filePath = './path/to/dynamicFile.js';

const module = import(/* webpackIgnore: true */ filePath);

Note the use of the webpackIgnore comment. This tells Webpack to ignore static analysis of the import statement and treat it as dynamic.

  1. Next, you need to configure Webpack to handle dynamic imports correctly by using the webpackChunkName or magic comment syntax. This will allow you to specify a custom chunk name for the dynamically imported file. For example:
const filePath = './path/to/dynamicFile.js';

const module = import(
  /* webpackIgnore: true */
  /* webpackChunkName: "dynamic" */

Here, the webpackChunkName comment sets the chunk name to "dynamic", which will be used in the final bundled file.

  1. Finally, run Webpack to bundle your code. It will generate a separate chunk file for the dynamically imported module, using the specified chunk name ("dynamic" in this case).

Make sure you have the necessary Webpack plugins and presets installed and correctly set up in your Webpack configuration file.

Keep in mind that this approach creates a separate chunk file for the dynamically imported module, which will be loaded asynchronously only when it is needed.

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