How to build a react.js application with multiple html files?

by filiberto , in category: HTML & CSS , a year ago

How to build a react.js application with multiple html files?

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1 answer

by edmond_brakus , a year ago


To build a React.js application with multiple HTML files, you can create multiple components and render them in different HTML files using React Router.

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to do this:

  1. Initialize a React.js project by running npx create-react-app your-app-name in the terminal.
  2. Install React Router by running npm install react-router-dom.
  3. Create multiple components for each of your HTML files. You can do this by creating separate .js files for each component in the src folder.
  4. In each component file, create a functional component and write the JSX code for the content of that HTML file.
  5. Create a new file called AppRouter.js in the src folder and import React, BrowserRouter, Route, and Switch from 'react-router-dom'.
  6. Inside the AppRouter.js file, define your routes using the Route component from React Router. Each Route component should have a path and a component prop that points to your component file.
  7. Import the AppRouter component in your index.js file and render it inside the ReactDOM.render method.
  8. Run npm start in the terminal to start the development server and view your React.js application with multiple HTML files.

By following these steps, you can create a React.js application with multiple HTML files and navigate between them using React Router.