How to block access to one page and redirect to another?

by edmond_brakus , in category: Third Party Scripts , 20 hours ago

How to block access to one page and redirect to another?

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1 answer


by dedrick , 4 hours ago


To block access to a specific page and redirect users to another page, you can use a combination of techniques such as setting up a redirect in your server configuration or using a script on the page itself. Here are two common methods to achieve this:

  1. Server-side redirection: If you have access to your server configuration, you can set up a redirect for the specific page using directives like mod_rewrite in Apache or location in Nginx. Here is an example of how you can set up a redirection using mod_rewrite in an Apache configuration file:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^blocked-page.html$ /redirect-page.html [R=301,L]

This code will redirect users from "blocked-page.html" to "redirect-page.html" with a 301 status code (permanent redirect). You can customize the redirect URL as needed.

  1. Client-side redirection: If you do not have access to server configuration or prefer a client-side solution, you can use JavaScript to redirect users from the blocked page to another page. Add the following script to the blocked page:

Replace "" with the URL of the page you want to redirect users to. This script will redirect users to the specified page immediately when they try to access the blocked page.

Please note that these methods may vary depending on your specific setup and requirements. Make sure to test the redirection to ensure it works as expected.