How does the p5.js draw function work?


by gilbert , in category: Javascript , 5 months ago

How does the p5.js draw function work?

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1 answer

by elise_daugherty , 5 months ago


The draw() function in p5.js is a built-in function that continuously executes the lines of code within it, creating an animation effect. It is called repeatedly at the frame rate specified in the createCanvas() function.

Within the draw() function, you can use various drawing functions and commands to create shapes, text, and other visual elements on the canvas. These commands include rect() for drawing rectangles, ellipse() for drawing ellipses, line() for drawing lines, text() for displaying text, and many more.

You can also use various transformation functions within the draw function to translate, rotate, or scale the drawing canvas. Additionally, you can use functions like frameRate() to change the frame rate of the animation, noLoop() to stop the animation, and loop() to restart it.

Overall, the draw() function is the main function used in p5.js to create animations and interactive visual elements on the canvas. It is essential for creating dynamic and engaging visual experiences.