How does jest (or mocha) work without having to be imported?


by adan , in category: Javascript , 19 days ago

How does jest (or mocha) work without having to be imported?

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1 answer

by darrion.kuhn , 18 days ago


Jest and Mocha are testing frameworks for JavaScript that can be installed globally on your machine using a package manager like npm or yarn. Once installed globally, you can run Jest or Mocha commands in the terminal without needing to import them in your code.

When you run tests using Jest or Mocha from the command line, they will look for test files in your project directory based on the configuration settings you have specified. They will then execute the tests and provide you with the test results in the terminal.

Overall, Jest and Mocha can work without being imported in your code because they are globally installed on your machine and can be accessed and run from the command line.